• The Old Church Concert Hall (map)
  • 1422 Southwest 11th Avenue
  • Portland, OR, 97201
  • United States

Rebirthing The Cool: Bebop N Beyond

Local Jazz vocalist and troubadour David Watson brings his supreme band of all-stars to celebrate Bebop N Beyond! Monk, Miles, Mingus, Mulligan, and More! Starring Pete Petersen (sax), Lee Wuthinow (sax), Mary-Sue Tobin (sax), Paul Mazzio (trumpet), Stan Bock (trombone), Mark Vehrencamp (tuba), Paul Paresa (keys), Ed Bennett (bass), Ed Pierce (drums). Don't miss this once-in-a-lifetime chance to see a Portland jazz legend at the historic Old Church Concert Hall.

For more information, including a link to tickets, visit: https://www.facebook.com/events/2442669742413382/