• Clark College Hanna Hall (map)
  • 1933 Fort Vancouver Way
  • Vancouver, WA, 98663
  • United States

Rebirth of the Cool will be performing at the NAACP Vancouver Chapter’s WorkSource Job Fair at Clark College, joined by special guest, vocalist Marilyn Keller.

The Job Fair goal is to bring the talented minority Clark County workforce together with employers who support diversity, living wage jobs and progress. This year’s theme is “Together We Rise.” This theme addresses the big question of how we can realistically change and remove racism from our American culture and become a more unified County. The celebration will be held on June 22, 2019 at Clark College in Hannah Hall from 10:00am until 12:00pm in two classrooms with twelve (12) tables per room, and 2 seats per table available for employers.

For more information, visit: http://vancouvernaacp.weebly.com/